
April 21, 2009 at 3:13 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments

by bellamillefiori

Ok, so I’m blogging now.  Never blogged before.  I’m a little nervous putting myself out there.  Just write, don’t worry.  One of my issues is perfectionism.  I have a need to be perfect because others are watching, others are judging.  Will I be deemed good enough?  Good enough for what?  Good enough to belong.  In the world.  Of course I’m not perfect.  But I try to be as flawless as I can.  A flawed person trying to be flawless.  Ok, so I’m not flawed.  But I’ve felt like it most of my life.  Mistakes are shameful.  I’m learning to let go of it.  But after  a lifetime of harshly judging myself it’s hard to change. I think sometimes I can do it and somtimes not and it will be a life long challenge.  But it is easier these days.  Drivel, drivel, drivel….OK, I’m done.

Needs? Not me!

March 20, 2009 at 11:05 am | Posted in buddhism, family, fiona, needs, psychology, roles, self-care, therapy, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

by Fiona

Yeah… didn’t even know about those things. My biggest surprise was getting a list of emotional needs! (I got the list from my first therapist because I didn’t know what she was talking about.) Whoa, this one backed me up. I had yearned for those things – to be seen, acknowledged, played with. I had put them under my “weaknesses” list. 

I’ve kind of taken to this “getting my needs met” stuff. Seeing a list on a sheet of paper was almost like the groceries that i’d been missing. It was OK to have these; in fact, everyone did and I had a right to get them. Somehow seeing it written in a book or on paper took away the “zing” or shame of wanting these things. Because someone  other than me said it was OK.  Just wanting or needing them myself – I paid NO attention to that.

I realized that my anger (that I never aknowledged) was very related to not getting my needs met. I had chronically unmet needs and it made me cranky!

I still have a very hard time asking for what I need or want.  There are certain people, places and times when i can ask, but others are hard. I’ll pay attention to that.

Now, what about this selfless, doing for others is the greatest good thing. Is this OK as long as I get my needs met. This is where i’m getting confused. In my Buddhist readings, selflessly doing for others is the way to go. 

Gotta go and get dinner for my family.  —— Isn’t this the woman’s story? I do derive pleasure from doing for my family. When is this pathological? I guess as long as I don’t ignore myself. I do know that I can avoid doing things I need to do with the thought that i’m doing for others.

I can relate to the “my compulsions are my reward.” Reward for what? For ignoring my needs. For getting through the day, usually.

Linky Bits

January 26, 2008 at 1:04 pm | Posted in eeabee, pain, support, trauma, Uncategorized, writing | 2 Comments
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by eeabee

I thought I’d share this poem by Austin of The People Behind My Eyes, especially because of the way I think it captures how deeply early-life pain wounds us and just how hard it is to live with.

What really sucks is that the person who’s been hurt is left holding the burden, the burden which belongs somewhere else.

This is when I like to say that the person who does the hurting loses a bit of their soul, that there is a cost to them too. I want to say that there is some comfort in at least not having to be like them. Cold comfort. I kind of like cold comfort though, and it’s more than nothing.

And there’s the warm stuff out there too–like in the way we can share our pain with each other. Love. Which not-so-subtly segues into another link–to ama‘s post called love and pain.

[I posted this on my blog, sparks in the night, but it’s got a link that might be of interest for us too.]

The Mind is a Dangerous Place to be Alone (or at least mine is)

Big Fat Baby Crybaby Whiny Needy Baby.  These are the kinds of things my brain tells me about myself sometimes.  And I do cry and need things (this needing business is a huge point of crushing shame for me so it’s hard to even say).  But even I can see that these labels are a tad extreme.

Rising Rainbow replied to a comment of mind in a thoughtful and helpful post that I’m linking to here.  Maybe it’s a tiny bit because she said nice things about my comment, but mostly it’s because what she said was clarifying and also affirming for me.  I think it’s sometimes quite hard for me not to discount how I feel about things (any/all of them, really)–it’s such an ingrained reflex–but others’ words can help a lot to counter what my own brain tells me.

So let’s try this:

Big Fat Baby Crybaby Whiny Needy Baby.

Person.  Regular old human being, plain and simple.

One of Those Days

January 25, 2008 at 10:50 pm | Posted in anxiety, mastgirl, self-criticism, shame, tizzy, Uncategorized, work | 4 Comments
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by mastgirl

Well, here it goes. Today is one of those days. Where waking up is torture due to being slammed with anxiety before I even open my eyes, and it just seems to get worse from there. I’m rattled from the beginning with a whole day stretching out before me. I’m then alone for part of the day so the part of my brain that is struggling to calm itself has to compete with the part that seems to just want to do me in with the thinking, thinking, thinking….ugh. I do think that part of this anxiety is related to my unlimited ability to put things off that need to be done…that dreaded “P” word. I see one thing that needs to be done and it leads to another, then another until I’m surrounded. It’s not that I see one thing then do it, then see another…it’s that I almost see them all at once…it’s that I just keep adding more to the to do list in my head until it’s too much. All of the chatter in my head about just what kind of person I am is absolutely exhausting. It’s so easy…think Nike -just do it…please do it.

So, I either sit down and open the computer or wander from room to room until I am really in a tizzy. I want to focus on one thing at a time…just one and I want it to be crystal clear…simple. Maybe that’s it, I just want life to be crystal clear and simple…is that too much to ask?

Putting my surfboard in the water

January 15, 2008 at 4:38 pm | Posted in body/mind, change, coping strategies, fiona, resources, self-care, shame, Tai Chi, Uncategorized | 1 Comment
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by Fiona

I really like “vortex surfers” as the name of this blog – for all the reasons in the intro and some of my own. The vortex is such a great metaphor. Being pulled down into the shame spiral is the reason I’m here on this blog , doing this work. I’ve been in therapy for 15 years searching and trying to pick up new tools (surfboards) at first just to stay afloat and now to stay afloat and be skillful about it.

The vortex can turn on it’s side and be the spiral of my life changing. The ups and downs, the forward and backward steps – the inexorable pull forward toward growth and change.

Tornados have always fascinated me.

And the surfing part… I love the water. I visualize water in so much of my spiritual musings – waves especially. From there I can go into the waves vs. particles of quantum physics. I have believed in waves for many years.

When I do Tai Chi I visualize the wave of energy washing over me and as then ebbing as I deliver energy back to the earth.

I literally get in the water 3x a week – it’s my favorite workout and one of my favorite places to ponder these big ideas. I snorkel and scuba dive.

The weightlessness in water allows me to dance and move every which-a-way. Movements impossible in gravity are easy in the water.

I won’t even start on John from Cincinatti! I’ll go there another day.

I look forward to visiting these topics many times. There is so much depth to these images; they go to the origin and the root of life. It even sounds like a good song title. So… I want to be a vortex surfer.

Mrs. Vortex of Rabbithole Junction, Wormholeville.

January 15, 2008 at 6:15 am | Posted in change, eeabee, fear, rejection, shame, Uncategorized, vortex | Leave a comment
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by eeabee

Note: I might post a few things here, like this one, that I’ve also posted a version of on my individual blog (sparks in the night on Oct. 25 2007)–things I’d like to revisit. But I’ll write different things too.

Last fall I had some major descents into shame vortexes (I think I prefer not to use the “vortices” plural form at this time) and I’m thinking back on them, from a little distance, now that I’m a few feet away from the edge, the precipice. Sometimes the ground around the vortex seems to slope, so that the vortex expands and engulfs the normally-level ground around it, engulfing whatever in it’s path. But it’s staying more contained now, for now, ’til next time.

For me, falling into the shame spiral goes like this: I am walking along feelin’ fine and not on edge (that’ll teach me not to be on edge!) and I fall right into a wormhole-rabbithole. Rejection (real OR potential OR only imagined) or anything that triggers an overwhelming attack of self-criticism seem to be what make me lose my balance, tilt, and fall.

These are moments in which the past seems to return, uncalled for and unwanted, to make the present seem like a replay of the past.

Anything that smacks of rejection and/or not being seen and/or how much I allegedly suck is potentially lethal for me. Lately it’s been moments of remembering difficulties with my spouse and therapist, and me worrying that I have ruined my car somehow (because it’s having a couple issues, and of course it must be my doing somehow, even though one issue is at least due to a faulty computer and others are due to having been hit by another driver, but so what, it could still somehow be my suckiness that is to blame). Rejection, invisibility/unrealness, suckiness–these are installed ideas that can be easily triggered, and can be harmful and even threaten to be lethal. Because that’s the life they have when stirred and not balanced out. And I’m afraid I find myself getting all dismantled more times than not. I’m told I have a choice about this, but I have little idea about how not to, and little-to-zero skill in the matter. But it’s a nice thought that it’s possible to learn to have a choice, even if it’s just a dream, and maybe it’s more.

But that’s not always available, not always there in the present moment; some days are for falling into rabbitholes, for being whisked out of time. This timelessness, this collapsing of time and space, this vortex–it swirls with shame and fear. It pulls me in, and I am gone once I enter the spiral. Or so it seems to me, and so it is in effect, for a time. If I don’t know I exist for a minute–if I lose touch with myself, I am not there for myself until it passes.


I fear the vortex; I want to learn its power in a new way, without such fear. It transforms, which is scary, but it is other things too. Exchange. Recirculation. It is not a black hole, though it feels like one; it does not eat. It takes me in. But I come out, or some version of me does. What if I could move in it, through it? What if I could ride its energies?

I’m getting carried away though, as I generally do. It’s one thing not to fall apart in terror of the vortex, but that doesn’t mean I have to love it, be seduced by it, give myself utterly over to it. Like the kids so wisely say, “if I love it so much why don’t I marry it.” Just call me Mrs. Vortex. Life is never boring in our house. It’s wild.

To begin. . .

January 9, 2008 at 3:30 pm | Posted in resources, shame, support, trauma, Uncategorized, vortex | 1 Comment
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by eeabee

I am setting up this blog for a group of women who will be posting our various reflections on some of the things we struggle with (things from our pasts, mood issues, compulsions, life, relationships, spirituality. . . who knows what else) and how we find our way through. Or sometimes, how we are stuck. One thing we all share is a tendency to fall into shame spirals, hence the need to surf the vortex.

I’m starting an annotated list of books and webpages about dealing with trauma, which I’m calling the “Trauma Resources” page as you can see above.

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